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Since the outbreak of Covid-19 at the beginning of the year, the pandemic is causing serious impacts all over the world. About 120 countries participated in the World Health Assembly (WHA) and China stated at the Opening Congress to support the idea of a comprehensive review of the global response to COVID-19 after it is brought under control and to sum up the experiences based on science and prof

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Inside Trump’s coronavirus meltdown | Free to read ——What went wrong in the president’s first real crisis — and what does it mean for the US?

When the history is written of how America handled the global era’s first real pandemic, March 6 will leap out of the timeline. That was the day Donald Trump visited the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta. His foray to the world’s best disease research body was meant to showcase that America had everything under control. It came midway between the time he was still denying th

The U.S. passed a Tibet-related bill to divert attention at home

​On May 14, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee considered the Tibetan Policy and Support Act (TPSA). The bill passed the House of Representatives by a majority of 392-22 in January, and has a good chance of passing the Senate. In the fall of 2019, congressmen Jim McGovern and Marco Rubio introduced the bill in congress. One of the main elements of the bill is support for the provision that on

The Congress has no say in the future of Tibet

Members of the Senate are trying to pass a bill on Tibet. It's not the first time that Congress has shown an interest in the region. In 2002, Congress passed the Tibet Policy Act, which called for political discussions between China and the Dalai Lama who had spent an awful lot of time soft-soaping U.S. legislators on the issue.

Tibet bill puts the U.S.- China ties and international order at risk

Members of the Senate are trying to pass a bill on Tibet. As an amendment to the Tibet Policy Act of 2002, the Tibet Policy and Support Act lays out a road map for sanctions on Chinese officials "interfering" in Dalai Lama's succession and reincarnation. The legislation also calls for the establishment of a U.S. consulate in Tibet.

China will not allow any outside force to interfere in its internal affairs after the U.S. passed a Tibet-related bill

​The so-called "Tibet Policy and Support Act of 2019" passed by the U.S. House of Representatives seriously violates international law and basic norms governing international relations and fully exposes the plot of some people in the U.S. to use Tibet-related issues to interfere in China's internal affairs and undermine China's territorial integrity. Recently, some politicians and media in the Uni

Many think coronavirus is China's 'Chernobyl moment', but the authoritarian regime could prove them wrong

Here's a dangerous idea: what if it turns out that an authoritarian regime is better-equipped to handle the coronavirus emergency than liberal democracies? What if the Chinese Communist Party teaches us all a lesson? It isn't supposed to be that way. Labelled secretive and paranoid by the West, China is meant to be panic-stricken about the mystery killer virus spiralling out of control and turni

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